In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import collections
import copy

In [51]:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from import *

def offset_fit(x, y, offset_start=0, return_err=False):
    """Fit a constant offset to the data.

    x : array-like
    y : array-like
    offset_start : float
        Constant offset, initial value

    offset : float
        Fitted offset
    par, _ = curve_fit(offset, x, y, [offset_start],
    if return_err:
        warnings.warn("return_err not implemented yet in offset_fit")
        return par[0], None
        return par[0]

def offset_fit_with_median(x, y, offset_start=0, return_err=False):
    """Fit a constant offset to the data.

    x : array-like
    y : array-like
    offset_start : float
        Constant offset, initial value

    offset : float
        Fitted offset
    res = np.median(y)
    if return_err:
        warnings.warn("return_err not implemented yet in offset_fit")
        return res, None
        return res

def _als(y, lam, p, niter=10):
    """Baseline Correction with Asymmetric Least Squares Smoothing.

    Modifications to the routine from Eilers & Boelens 2005
    The Python translation is partly from

    y : array-like
        the data series corresponding to x
    lam : float
        the lambda parameter of the ALS method. This control how much the
        baseline can adapt to local changes. A higher value corresponds to a
        stiffer baseline
    p : float
        the asymmetry parameter of the ALS method. This controls the overall
        slope tollerated for the baseline. A higher value correspond to a
        higher possible slope

    Other parameters
    niter : int
        The number of iterations to perform

    z : array-like, same size as y
        Fitted baseline.
    from scipy import sparse
    L = len(y)
    D = sparse.csc_matrix(np.diff(np.eye(L), 2))
    w = np.ones(L)
    for _ in range(niter):
        W = sparse.spdiags(w, 0, L, L)
        Z = W + lam *
        z = sparse.linalg.spsolve(Z, w*y)
        w = p * (y > z) + (1-p) * (y < z)
    return z

def baseline_als(x, y, lam=None, p=None, niter=10, return_baseline=False,
                 offset_correction=True, mask=None,
    """Baseline Correction with Asymmetric Least Squares Smoothing.

    x : array-like
        the sample time/number/position
    y : array-like
        the data series corresponding to x
    lam : float
        the lambda parameter of the ALS method. This control how much the
        baseline can adapt to local changes. A higher value corresponds to a
        stiffer baseline
    p : float
        the asymmetry parameter of the ALS method. This controls the overall
        slope tollerated for the baseline. A higher value correspond to a
        higher possible slope

    Other Parameters
    niter : int
        The number of iterations to perform
    return_baseline : bool
        return the baseline?
    offset_correction : bool
        also correct for an offset to align with the running mean of the scan
    outlier_purging : bool
        Purge outliers before the fit?
    mask : array of bools
        Mask indicating the good x and y data. True for good, False for bad

    y_subtracted : array-like, same size as y
        The initial time series, subtracted from the trend
    baseline : array-like, same size as y
        Fitted baseline. Only returned if return_baseline is True

    if not isinstance(outlier_purging, collections.Iterable):
        outlier_purging = (outlier_purging, outlier_purging)
    if lam is None:
        lam = 1e11
    if p is None:
        p = 0.001

    N = len(y)
    approx_m = (np.median(y[-20:]) - np.median(y[:20])) / N
    y = y - approx_m * np.arange(N)
    y_mod = purge_outliers(copy.deepcopy(y), up=outlier_purging[0],

    z = _als(y_mod, lam, p, niter=niter)

    ysub = y_mod - z
    offset = 0
    if offset_correction:
        std = ref_std(ysub, np.max([len(y) // 20, 20]))

        good = np.abs(ysub) < 10 * std

        offset = offset_fit(x[good], ysub[good], 0)

    if return_baseline:
        return y - z - offset, z + offset
        return y - z - offset

def baseline_als_offset_median(x, y, lam=None, p=None, niter=10, return_baseline=False,
                 offset_correction=True, mask=None,
    """Baseline Correction with Asymmetric Least Squares Smoothing.

    x : array-like
        the sample time/number/position
    y : array-like
        the data series corresponding to x
    lam : float
        the lambda parameter of the ALS method. This control how much the
        baseline can adapt to local changes. A higher value corresponds to a
        stiffer baseline
    p : float
        the asymmetry parameter of the ALS method. This controls the overall
        slope tollerated for the baseline. A higher value correspond to a
        higher possible slope

    Other Parameters
    niter : int
        The number of iterations to perform
    return_baseline : bool
        return the baseline?
    offset_correction : bool
        also correct for an offset to align with the running mean of the scan
    outlier_purging : bool
        Purge outliers before the fit?
    mask : array of bools
        Mask indicating the good x and y data. True for good, False for bad

    y_subtracted : array-like, same size as y
        The initial time series, subtracted from the trend
    baseline : array-like, same size as y
        Fitted baseline. Only returned if return_baseline is True

    if not isinstance(outlier_purging, collections.Iterable):
        outlier_purging = (outlier_purging, outlier_purging)
    if lam is None:
        lam = 1e11
    if p is None:
        p = 0.001
    N = len(y)
    approx_m = (np.median(y[-20:]) - np.median(y[:20])) / N
    y = y - approx_m * np.arange(N)
    y_mod = purge_outliers(y, up=outlier_purging[0],

    z = _als(y_mod, lam, p, niter=niter)

    ysub = y_mod - z
    offset = 0
    if offset_correction:
        std = ref_std(ysub, np.max([len(y) // 20, 20]))

        good = np.abs(ysub) < 10 * std

        offset = offset_fit_with_median(x[good], ysub[good], 0)

    if return_baseline:
        return y - z - offset, z + offset
        return y - z - offset

In [60]:
def _test_shape(x):
    return np.exp(-(x - 50) ** 2 / 50)

series = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 1000)
t = np.arange(0, len(series)/10, 0.1)
x = np.arange(0, len(series)) * 0.1
y = np.copy(series) + _test_shape(x) + x * 6 + 20

In [61]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(x, baseline_als(x, y, offset_correction=True), label='Standard Offset')
plt.plot(x, baseline_als(x, y, offset_correction=False), label='No Offset')
plt.plot(x, baseline_als_offset_median(x, y, offset_correction=True), label='Median Offset')
std = np.std(np.diff(y)) / np.sqrt(2)
plt.ylim([- std * 2, std * 2])

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1c35c73a90>

In [62]:
def simulate_and_test_best_offset(baseline_m=6, noise=1, signal=100, plot=False, label=None):
    if label is None:
        label = '{:0>10}'.format(np.random.randint(0, 10000000))
    def _test_shape(x):
        return np.exp(-(x - 50) ** 2 / 50)
    series = np.random.normal(0, noise, 1000)
    t = np.arange(0, len(series)/10, 0.1)
    x = np.arange(0, len(series)) * 0.1
    y = np.copy(series) + signal * _test_shape(x) + x * baseline_m + 20
    y_bsub_standard = baseline_als(x, y, offset_correction=True)
    y_bsub_median = baseline_als_offset_median(x, y, offset_correction=True)
    y_bsub_standard_filt = np.concatenate((y_bsub_standard[:200], y_bsub_standard[-200:]))
    y_bsub_median_filt = np.concatenate((y_bsub_median[:200], y_bsub_median[-200:]))
    rms_standard = np.sqrt(np.sum(y_bsub_standard_filt ** 2) / (len(y_bsub_standard_filt) -1))
    rms_median = np.sqrt(np.sum(y_bsub_median_filt ** 2) / (len(y_bsub_median_filt)-1))
    reference_rms = np.std(np.diff(y_bsub_standard_filt)) / np.sqrt(2)
    if plot or rms_median / reference_rms > 2:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
        plt.plot(x, y_bsub_standard, label='Standard Offset')
        plt.plot(x, y_bsub_median, label='Median Offset')
        std = np.std(np.diff(y)) / np.sqrt(2)
        plt.ylim([- std * 2, std * 2])
        plt.savefig(label + '.png')
    return rms_standard, rms_median, reference_rms

In [63]:

(1.0973185836741248, 1.0302265750920279, 1.0080665404192097)

In [55]:
import tqdm
with open('table_offset.csv', 'w') as fobj:
    print('m,noise,signal,rms_st,rms_med,ref_rms', file=fobj)
    for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1000)):
        m = np.random.uniform(-6, 6)
        noise = np.random.uniform(0, 10)
        signal = np.random.uniform(0, 100)
        rms_standard, rms_median, reference_rms, = \
            simulate_and_test_best_offset(baseline_m=m, noise=noise, signal=signal, plot=False)
        line = ','.join([str(i) for i in [m,noise,signal,rms_standard,rms_median,reference_rms]])
        print(line, file=fobj)

100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [01:01<00:00, 16.32it/s]

In [56]:
import pandas as pd
table = pd.read_csv('table_offset.csv')

In [57]:

m noise signal rms_st rms_med ref_rms
0 -5.190913 9.482810 9.699259 10.770827 10.753981 10.253475
1 -2.898899 8.736062 45.778030 10.445068 9.213728 8.378304
2 -2.157702 3.412237 95.671522 3.745873 3.435633 3.287243
3 4.599607 8.940895 86.404409 11.504776 10.004095 9.749268
4 -2.847355 6.996934 78.933908 8.262269 7.490805 6.965474
5 2.915978 4.620541 91.916165 4.954438 4.591224 4.435472
6 0.094161 6.373136 34.341143 8.173054 7.302045 6.927112
7 1.713551 0.805785 9.272374 1.003067 0.846751 0.795158
8 -4.096060 8.661951 20.545115 9.301600 9.201782 9.397630
9 5.633272 0.556761 30.685438 0.619803 0.583837 0.588996
10 1.489515 3.170100 5.708800 3.273244 3.233147 3.313552
11 5.721835 3.703040 68.863520 3.973406 3.541170 3.535828
12 -5.728045 8.979212 59.601707 11.758287 9.429834 8.793148
13 -3.518989 7.569864 88.202554 8.888827 7.700141 7.317061
14 2.162235 0.114189 93.231168 0.173481 0.115238 0.110861
15 1.332841 5.667434 19.671311 6.304509 6.035396 5.726520
16 3.581970 7.632117 6.139155 7.363563 7.373048 7.426421
17 -2.890796 4.608032 73.314516 5.274877 4.849064 4.805096
18 -0.299480 3.797095 12.538921 4.359626 4.149960 3.824884
19 3.320940 9.948251 17.469374 10.190416 10.156861 9.789794
20 -0.677555 1.806227 48.626568 2.035923 1.864910 1.786765
21 2.309848 0.480335 72.715782 0.523793 0.489037 0.485237
22 -3.764824 2.063947 63.195942 2.287230 2.149043 1.965576
23 -0.932124 8.792584 17.329634 9.216948 9.135921 8.371276
24 5.094255 2.383513 12.021355 2.758417 2.511277 2.400079
25 -5.373970 5.598196 99.781561 6.286948 5.721445 5.540632
26 5.565425 6.074746 36.514385 7.502039 6.423393 6.025895
27 4.533620 8.176299 5.573824 8.074353 8.036969 8.134615
28 2.519478 7.468352 72.226567 9.007371 7.651038 7.650719
29 -2.818797 6.319923 11.618959 6.769292 6.686489 6.540925
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
970 5.164251 4.820673 35.734000 6.104637 5.106971 4.957522
971 2.945554 1.407963 99.088602 1.569627 1.465732 1.354689
972 -0.907909 4.113434 12.985512 4.534355 4.341009 3.991123
973 -2.639621 4.567273 97.783033 4.936730 4.577493 4.461328
974 4.500458 7.632105 45.021236 9.258542 7.949035 7.153203
975 -3.352699 2.982468 73.923214 3.503805 3.112092 3.005617
976 -0.926171 6.257811 92.409173 6.975675 6.337546 6.343788
977 -4.242115 3.439268 26.615802 4.536027 3.587179 3.422820
978 -4.483930 5.050934 44.518252 6.555132 5.568483 5.397944
979 4.335820 6.996658 64.922585 8.177184 7.109350 6.526220
980 2.824301 4.822297 96.806498 5.255065 4.814988 4.570923
981 -4.645773 4.188799 62.782005 4.800843 4.326968 4.140771
982 2.233351 1.698307 66.687565 1.809039 1.713907 1.727866
983 1.529833 1.930867 80.771916 2.014260 1.877792 1.769139
984 4.522280 2.106503 62.367685 2.439295 2.245890 2.117117
985 4.015496 2.598846 3.840344 2.430512 2.421160 2.283388
986 2.145681 4.922209 89.532504 5.826685 5.311414 5.353017
987 -1.712569 9.612571 12.829409 9.864795 9.836262 9.849690
988 4.822784 4.494701 61.447825 5.475091 4.914879 4.628365
989 0.308016 2.473775 51.472779 2.566890 2.403764 2.247358
990 1.146343 5.388573 41.437932 7.229754 6.093357 5.601498
991 2.523866 1.701344 27.213075 2.137078 1.938914 1.855586
992 5.388185 5.096284 4.955846 5.048620 5.043961 4.936605
993 3.671499 0.160052 98.487949 0.213635 0.162112 0.156343
994 -1.251226 4.599555 15.097299 5.178304 4.962996 4.623108
995 0.887954 5.849572 54.810375 7.712276 6.265607 6.193664
996 -5.840361 1.334357 48.852008 1.488939 1.350505 1.349711
997 0.824616 7.089875 97.149267 8.301606 7.736417 7.087230
998 -1.236227 0.386914 24.815671 0.439887 0.416881 0.415744
999 1.216706 0.531573 22.414870 0.542824 0.503130 0.498730

1000 rows × 6 columns

In [58]:
table['snr'] = table['signal'] / table['noise']
table['med_ratio'] = table['rms_med'] / table['ref_rms']
table['st_ratio'] = table['rms_st'] / table['ref_rms']
table['med_is_better'] = table['med_ratio'] < table['st_ratio']

In [59]:
from seaborn import pairplot

pairplot(table, vars=["m", "snr", "med_ratio", "st_ratio", "ref_rms"], hue='med_is_better')

<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x1c503f92b0>

Basically, calculating the offset with the median is always better.

In [68]:
def fit_baseline_plus_bell(x, y, ye=None, kind='gauss'):
    """Fit a function composed of a linear baseline plus a bell function.

    x : array-like
        the sample time/number/position
    y : array-like
        the data series corresponding to x

    Other parameters
    ye : array-like
        the errors on the data series
    kind: str
        Can be 'gauss' or 'lorentz'

    mod_out : ``Astropy.modeling.model`` object
        The fitted model
    fit_info : dict
        Fit info from the Astropy fitting routine.
    if kind not in ['gauss', 'lorentz']:
        raise ValueError('kind has to be one of: gauss, lorentz')
    from astropy.modeling import models, fitting

    approx_m = (np.median(y[-20:]) - np.median(y[:20])) / \
               (np.mean(x[-20:]) - np.mean(x[:20]))

    base = models.Linear1D(slope=approx_m, intercept=np.min(y), name='Baseline')

    xrange = np.max(x) - np.min(x)
    yrange = np.max(y) - np.min(y)

    if kind == 'gauss':
        bell = models.Gaussian1D(mean=np.mean(x), stddev=xrange / 20,
                                 amplitude=yrange, name='Bell')
        bell.amplitude.bounds = (0, None)
        bell.mean.bounds = (None, None)
        bell.stddev.bounds = (0, None)
        # max_name = 'mean'
    elif kind == 'lorentz':
        bell = models.Lorentz1D(x_0=np.mean(x), fwhm=xrange / 20,
                                amplitude=yrange, name='Bell')
        bell.amplitude.bounds = (0, None)
        bell.x_0.bounds = (None, None)
        bell.fwhm.bounds = (0, None)
        # max_name = 'x_0'

    mod_init = base + bell

    fit = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()

    mod_out = fit(mod_init, x, y)

    return mod_out, fit.fit_info

In [69]:
def _test_shape(x):
    return np.exp(-(x - 50) ** 2 / 50)
series = np.random.normal(0, noise, 1000)
t = np.arange(0, len(series)/10, 0.1)
x = np.arange(0, len(series)) * 0.1
y = np.copy(series) + signal * _test_shape(x) + x * 6 + 20
mod, _ = fit_baseline_plus_bell(x, y, kind='gauss')

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, mod(x))

Model: CompoundModel2
Inputs: ('x',)
Outputs: ('y',)
Model set size: 1
Expression: [0] + [1]
    [0]: <Linear1D(slope=5.9939485, intercept=20.04964428, name='Baseline')>

    [1]: <Gaussian1D(amplitude=599.5166061, mean=49.95, stddev=4.995, name='Bell')>
       slope_0        intercept_0    ...       mean_1           stddev_1    
    -------------- ----------------- ... ----------------- -----------------
    6.000281560228 19.97249205015111 ... 50.02639788322165 4.990585308080873
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c428f9550>]

In [ ]: